At Dental Sleep Solutions Austin, we offer take-home sleep tests to monitor your sleep and breathing. These tests help assist Dr. Blair R. Barnett when prescribing the correct treatment, allowing our orthodontist to create treatment plans with more accuracy, so you have a custom solution to your sleep apnea needs.

Inexpensive and easy to use, take-home sleep tests come in a kit that monitors your breathing and oxygen levels while you sleep. Because the test is conducted in the comfort of your own home, we are better able to view the results of your sleep and breathing in their most natural state, which you may not experience when spending the night at a traditional sleep center.

These tests can be prescribed only to patients who have already been diagnosed with sleep apnea by their primary physician. Our orthodontist may recommend a take-home test before treatment, to gain a baseline of your condition, and as a follow-up to treatment, to monitor for improvements.

We invite you to ask our orthodontist and team about our take-home sleep tests in Cedar Park, Texas, to learn more about what to expect during their use and how they may be effective for you. Call our office at 512-523-6970 if you have any questions about this service and feel free to schedule an appointment with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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